




I. 主要研究工作

1. 信息系统的概念建模;

2. 特定领域本体及知识图谱构建;

3. 舆情发散衍生机制研究。

II. 奖励与荣誉

1. 获得2014FOIS学术会议准优秀论文奖

2. 指导学生参加《全国大学生电子商务创新、创意及创业挑战赛》,获得国家级三等奖1项,北京市一等奖1项,北京市二等奖1项,北京市三等奖4

III. 承担科研项目

1. 北京市社会科学基金项目(青年项目):北京冬奥会舆情发散衍生机制研究(项目号:19XCC018),项目负责人,2019-2022

IV. 代表性学术论文

1. Yang, Y., Singh, P., Yao, J., Au Yeung, C., Zareian, A., Wang, X., Cai, Z., Salvadores, M., Gibbins, N., Hall, W., Shadbolt, N., (2011). Distributed Human Computation Framework for Linked Data, 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

2. Wang, X., (2012). An Ontology of Software Evolution, 7th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Graz, Austria

3. Wang, X., Guarino, N., Guizzardi, G., & Mylopoulos, J., (2014). Software as an Information Artifact, Workshop on Information Artifact Ontologies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4. Wang, X., Guarino, N., Guizzardi, G., & Mylopoulos, J., (2014). Towards an Ontology of Software: a Requirements Engineering Perspective, 8th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

5. Wang, X., Guarino, N., Guizzardi, G., & Mylopoulos, J., (2014). Software as a Social Artifact: A Management and Evolution Perspective, 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Atlanta, America

6. Wang, X., Guarino, N., Guizzardi, G., & Mylopoulos J., (2016). How Software Changes the World: the Role of Assumptions, 10th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Grenoble, France

7. Wang, X. (2016). Towards an Ontology of Software (Doctoral dissertation, University of Trento).

8. Ni, J., Jin, B., Zhang, B., & Wang, X. (2017). Simulation of Thermal Distribution and Airflow for Efficient Energy Consumption in a Small Data Centers. Sustainability

9. 王晓伟, 刘能勇, 梁傲雪, 倪静. (2017). 符号学视角下语义网定义及其理论框架的再认识[J]. 现代情报

10. 王晓伟, 倪静, 邱莹. (2018). 软件作为信息人工制品的概念及分类理论研究[J]. 自然辩证法研究

11. Ni, J., Jin, B., Ning, S., & Wang, X. (2019) The Numerical Simulation of the Airflow Distribution and Energy Efficiency in Data Centers with Three Types of Aisle Layout. Sustainability

12. Li T., Wang X., Ni Y. (2020) Aligning social concerns with information system security: A fundamental ontology for social engineering. Information Systems

V. 招生信息



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